Not Working: Troubleshooting Guide

When it comes to WiFi extenders, Amped was the first to market with products that set the standard for efficiency and dependability. Millions throughout the globe are pretty delighted with the exceptional service of Amped …

When it comes to WiFi extenders, Amped was the first to market with products that set the standard for efficiency and dependability. Millions throughout the globe are pretty delighted with the exceptional service of Amped extenders. There are, however, some customers who have been struggling with the Amped wireless setup process. The inability to access the page is often when they get frustrated.

Do you have an Amped WiFi extender and have the same problem? If the question can be answered in a positive, you may rest assured. Simply using the advice shown here should help you fix the problem at hand.

Causes: Not Working

However, before we go into fixing the not functioning problem, let’s have a look at the possible causes. Here are the most common reasons why you may not be able to visit

  1. Possible typo in entering the default website address. It would have sent you to a different domain than

  1. Your Amped WiFi extender may not allow you access because your internet connection is too sluggish. Either your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is at fault or your extender/router setup is flawed.

  1. Your web browser is out of date, no matter whether you’re using the renowned one or not.

  1. Inadequately secured cables. You probably can’t access because the power cord and Ethernet cable you’re using is broken or worn out.

  1. There are several electrical and transmitting appliances next to your extender.

  1. Perhaps you haven’t done anything to cause the problem. Possible cause: your extender is too old and on its last legs.

Now that we’ve established why you’re having problems using, we can begin fixing the issue.

Fix: Not Working

To quickly and easily access your Amped extender’s administration page, follow these steps:

  1. Restart Your Extender

The most common causes of the not functioning problem are problems with the internet connection or with the server hosting the website. Why? At first, you may not have any idea what the cause is. Therefore, it becomes very challenging to find a solution to the problem. It’s also unclear if the problem is with your Amped WiFi extender or the server that supports the website.

So then what? OK, so the first thing you should do if you’re having problems is to reboot your gadget. To put it another way, unplug the extender and give it some time to recover before reconnecting your wireless devices. Once you’ve waited, unplug the range extender and connect it back in. As a result, the problem may be solved. Are you able to reach the Amped setup dashboard via No? Read the next point.

  1. Delete your browser’s temporary files

Make sure your web browser is up to date. If upgrading your browser doesn’t help, try erasing your cache, cookies, temporary internet files, and browsing history. If you get rid of all the unnecessary stuff, you’ll have more room for new websites. Do make sure that you are using a secure internet browser.

Quick Tip: Select an optimal location for your range booster. To begin, you must have a general concept of the host router’s reach. Your Amped WiFi extender may be simply relocated to improve connectivity.

  1. Use the default IP address

So, you’ve tried everything you can think of to fix the problem, including clearing your browser’s cache, but nothing has worked. If that’s the case, then utilize the WiFi extender’s factory-default IP address. Refer to the Amped user manual whenever you need to verify the IP address of your device.

Final Words

If you were having difficulties using, you might have fixed the problem by following the steps outlined in this article and reached the Amped wireless extender setup  wizard. Now, you can have an awesome experience with your WiFi device.

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