Piles or Hemorrhoids are anorectal diseases. There are around 20 types of such illness, of which 3 are the primary ones. Those three are Hemorrhoids or piles, fisher and fistula. These are very common diseases, and a large population does carry them. However, most people consider any anorectal condition to pile, which is incorrect. Hence, the treatment of the other two and piles treatment is different.
What are piles/Hemorrhoids?
- Every part of the human body experiences blood circulation. So does the rectum or lower anus.
- Thus, the piles are swollen veins in the rectum that occurred due to constant pressure and protruding a lump around it.
- A similar case is when a doctor puts a rubber band around the arm, and the veins swell.
- It is to be noted that piles are an integral part of the body, but when it swells and a case of bleeding happens, then only medical attention is required.
Can this also occur in different parts of our body?
- Yes, absolutely it can occur
- Many times, it occurs in the legs.
- The main reason is improper blood circulation.
- But it is called Varicose Veins. Not piles. But the phenomenon is the same.
Why it forms?
- The major reasons:-
- Constipation – when the stool of a human being is hard and not freely passed, then a forceful act for bringing the stool out will also make the pile out.
- Chronic Diarrhea – due to the wrong choice of water
- The heavy lifting of weights
- Being pregnant
- Hurting lump near the anus
- Itching at the spot
- Discomfort while defecation
- Blood along with the stool
- Infection
Types of Piles according to the complexity
- Grade 1 – New pile just swells up. It is majorly towards the inside of the rectum
- Grade 2 – Swell becomes slightly bigger, but the pile structure is still inside but irritating
- Grade 3 – When one defecates, the structure will come out and go inside after the process.
- Grade 4 – Major bleeding and after the defecation, the structure would not go inside on its own, unlike grade 3.
- Anemia – Chronic blood loss may cause anaemia and reduce the count of healthy red blood cells. Thus the oxygen will not be carried properly.
- Strangulated Pile – If the blood supply to the internal pile stops, it might become strangulated and cause severe pain.
- Blood clot – Although it happens occasionally, if the blood clots it becomes very painful.
How to diagnose this?
- The doctor uses their finger to understand the stage of the piles or whether the piles exist or not. This is called rectal examination.
- Fresh blood is also an understandable diagnosis.
Piles Treatment
- At first, people need to be open to the situation as the Indian population hesitates a lot when talking about a disease like piles. This should be the first step in the Piles Treatment.
- Appropriate Surgeries for Piles Treatment
- Haemorrhoidectomy – It is the surgery to remove the piles. After anaesthesia, a cut is made by the doctor, who slices it away. It will then depend upon the patient’s condition, whether the wound needs to be sealed or kept open.
- Laser Surgery – This surgical method uses a special light beam. This is a standard treatment used for many other chronics like tumours, prevention of blood loss from the vessels, etc. This is less painful.
- Sclerotherapy – Internal pile is being treated with chemical solutions, desensitising the area. Scar tissue occurs, and pain is less and automatically, the haemorrhoid falls off.
- Coagulation Therapy – This is also against the internal pile. But this time, an electric current or infrared light is being utilized. This process will restrict the spill of blood.
- Hemorrhoid Stapling – This treatment is also for internal piles. The doctor will staple the pile into its usual positions within the anal canal with a device. This will also restrict the blood spilling, and slowly, the size of the haemorrhoid will reduce.
- Rubber band Ligation – Restricting the blood supply and removing the collection of tissues. This is done by keeping a rubber hand around the pile’s base and stopping the blood supply.
- Self-Prevention to
- Drinking a lot of water and nutritious food rich in fibre is necessary.
- Wipe the bottom with damp paper.
- Take paracetamol if the pile hurts.
- Prefer a warm water bath. It will ease itching.
- Ice packs are good for the reduction of discomfort.
- Keep the bottom clean and dry.
- Workout regularly
- Quit intoxications
- What not to do
- Don’t wipe the bottom roughly
- Do not hold your poo
- Do not push hard
- Do not use painkiller which has codeine
- Stop using ibuprofen
Pile treatment is not impossible. Keeping in mind that people should be open about their condition. It is a matter of concern and doctors must be visited. Precautions are necessary, not just because of the fear of piles, but also for general hygiene and good health.
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