No matter how you define happiness, you can improve your life and experience greater joy. Making some minor adjustments to your routine can help you reach your goal.
The answer is yes.
Consistency in behavior is crucial. You know how difficult it is to stop a terrible habit if you’ve ever tried to do so.
The same can be said for positive behaviors. Why not make an effort to include healthy practices in your daily life?
To get you started on your journey, here is a look at various routines you can adopt daily, monthly, and annual. Keep in mind that contentment, and the route to it, can mean something slightly different to each person.
Do away with the ones that don’t work for you or cause unnecessary tension. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t after trial and error.
Including some or all of the following practices into your routine may increase your level of contentment. Before moving forward, check the comparison of Happyness and Happiness as these words are pronounced interchangeably but are not the same.
· Smile
If you’re feeling good about yourself, it shows in your face. However, there are two ways to approach this.
Because dopamine is released in the brain, we feel better about ourselves when we smile.
The “facial feedback theory” suggests that facial expressions may have a minor influence on emotions, which may help explain the correlation between smiling and being happy.
However, that is not to say that you should always walk around with a phony grin. However, try smiling the next time you’re feeling down on your luck and see what happens. Or, you might simply start your day by putting on a happy face when you look in the mirror.
· Exercise
Getting your body in shape has many other benefits as well. Exercising regularly has been shown to improve mental health by lowering cortisol levels (the stress hormone), reducing anxiety, and alleviating depression.
Getting even a little bit of exercise can help. You don’t need to sign up for a triathlon or climb a cliff unless those things bring you joy.
The key is to keep effort levels moderate. It’s not a good idea to start a new, rigorous routine cold turkey (and sore).
Start your workout with the following:
- After supper, take a stroll around the neighborhood every day.
- Join a yoga or tai chi class geared toward newcomers.
- Take five minutes first thing in the morning to stretch.
Think back on the enjoyable things you used to do but no longer find time for. You may also start doing things like dancing, golf, and bowling that have always interested you.
· Get a Good Night’s Rest
According to a reliable source, the average adult needs 7 hours of sleep per night. Your body will try to inform you that it needs more rest if you feel groggy or have the urge to nap during the day.
Even though modern culture encourages us to get less shut-eye, we all know that getting sufficient sleep is crucial for our physical health, mental acuity, and emotional stability (Trusted Source). Some chronic diseases, like heart disease, depression, and diabetes, are associated with insufficient sleep. Therefore, it’s essential to get enough sleep to lower your risk.
If you want to improve your sleeping habits, consider the following:
- Keep track of your sleep schedule and how well rested you feel. You’ll have a better picture of your progress after a week. Use an app to keep tabs on how many hours you’re sleeping.
- Maintain a consistent sleep/wake schedule, including on the weekends.
- Set aside some quiet time in the hour before you hit the hay. Do something soothing, like taking a bath or reading a book. Don’t gorge yourself.
- Your bedroom should be kept dark, calm, and silent.
- Purchase some high-quality sheets.
- Nap for no more than 20 minutes if you must.
It’s recommended that people who have chronic insomnia consult a medical professional. It’s possible that you suffer from a treatable sleep issue.
· Mood-aware eating
You might already be aware that the foods you eat can significantly affect your physical well-being. However, some foods have been shown to alter one’s mood.
For instance:
The “happy hormone,” serotonin, is released in response to eating carbohydrates. You should limit your sugary and starchy foods intake because their energy is temporary. Complex carbohydrates like vegetables, legumes, and whole grains can supply serotonin without causing a drop in blood sugar.
You can get a lot of protein from lean meat, poultry, beans, and dairy. Dopamine and norepinephrine, both released by protein-rich diets, increase vigor and focus.
The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in fatty fish, have been discovered to extend to brain health, according to a reliable source. You may consult a medical professional about supplementing if you don’t consume fish.
Eating highly processed, deep-fried foods, or going without meals, can lower your mood.
Starting with only one meal decision per day can be an excellent place to begin when trying to eat more mindful of your emotional state.
You may, for instance, substitute some Greek yogurt with fruit for a giant, sugary croissant in the morning. Still indulge your sweet craving without suffering from a midday energy slump, thanks to protein. You could try switching out one meal per week.
· Express Your Appreciation
A positive outlook is just one of the many side effects of practicing gratitude. For instance, one study split into two parts found that thankfulness training significantly increased optimism and joy.
The practice of beginning each day by expressing gratitude can be quite beneficial. You can get this done while waiting for your snoozed alarm to go off or brushing your teeth.
Think about watching for good things as you go about your day. Knowing someone loves you or obtaining a promotion are two big things.
However, sometimes the smallest gestures can have the most impact, like when a coworker brought you a cup of coffee or when a neighbor waved hello. Perhaps it’s as simple as feeling the sun’s rays on your skin.
The more you do it, the more likely you will start noticing the good things in your life.
· Hear Some Praise Every Once In A While
Studies have shown that helping others can have positive effects on your health.
Complimenting someone sincerely is a simple method to lift their spirits and your own.
Make sure they see your face light up with happiness when you say it to let them know you mean it. It could leave you feeling pleasantly delighted.
It’s crucial to maintain decorum while complimenting someone on their beauty.
· Inhale Completely
Everybody knows that feeling: your chest is tight, your shoulders are hunched, and you feel like you might “lose it” at any moment.
You might want to take a few deep breaths as a natural way to relax.
Your hunch was correct, it seems. Reducing stress by calm, deep breathing has been supported by credible research.
Follow these instructions the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed:
- Put your eyes closed. Imagine a pleasant time or place in your past.
- Relax and inhale deeply through your nostrils.
- Take a few deep, slow breaths out of your nose or mouth.
- Do this numerous times until you feel the stress melting away.
Slowing your breathing to a methodical pace may seem impossible, but counting to five as you breathe in and out will help.
· Accept the Painful Times That You’ve Experienced
Keep your chin up; unpleasant things happen to everyone, no matter how optimistic they are. It’s inevitable in any case.
Don’t fake a smile if you’re feeling down because of something, like bad news, a mistake, or a general lack of motivation.
Recognize and accept your sadness, and permit yourself to feel sad. Then, focus on the causes of your distress and the steps you might need to take to improve.
Do you think a session of deep breathing would be beneficial? Are you going to take a long stroll in the fresh air? Thinking it over with a friend?
Just breathe and take care of yourself for now. Keep in mind that no one is consistent content.
· The Importance of Keeping a Journal
Keeping a journal can help you organize your ideas, feelings, and plans. You don’t need to be a genius writer or even a prolific one to reap the rewards of writing.
Writing down your ideas before bed is a great place to start. If putting something into writing gives you the willies, just remember that you can permanently destroy the document after you’re done with it. The method matters more than the result.
Having trouble deciding what to do with all your pent-up emotions. Hopefully, our guidance can assist you in sorting through your feelings.